The Meherpur Pratidin

The Meherpur Pratidin is the national daily of Bangladesh in Bengali under the unit of ANEESHA Group. It is included in the Department of Films & Publications.

The Meherpur Pratidin started its journey in 2018. In terms of circulation this daily, both in its print and on online editions, among its contemporaries, in Bengali language, in Bangladesh. The Meherpur Pratidin’s prime objective is dissemination of fair and objective news and information. It makes its best efforts to keep its readers informed about the ongoing social, economic, financial and political developments daily (excepting its announced holidays) in its print edition, and also round-the-clock through its online version. It gives extensive coverage of rural and national taking place at home and abroad, in its both print and online editions.


Contact Us

The Meherpur Pratidin

Hotel Bazar, Meherpur-7100, Bangladesh
Phone: +88-02-9671028 (Dhaka Office),
+88-07-9163447 (Meherpur office)

The Weekly Dhaka Theke

The Weekly Dhaka Theke is a weekly newspaper in the Bangla language, launched in Dhaka in 2014. The Weekly Dhaka Theke publishes insightful news about the special feature all over the world. The Weekly Dhaka Theke also have Probash news.

The Weekly Dhaka Theke is an independent newspaper. Since inception, we have been vigorously confronting radical Islam and militancy; denouncing antisemitism and holocaust denial; and promoting interfaith harmony.

The Weekly Dhaka Theke firmly believes, it is the responsibility of the state not only to protect and defend the citizen, but also to create the conditions, political, social, economic and cultural, in which all citizens may achieve their highest potential as human beings. It is committed to the principle of individual freedom.

Meet Our Team

M.A.S. IMONPublisher, The Meherpur Pratidin
Eadul Momin
Eadul MominEditor, The Meherpur Pratidin